Another old post on Things I Miss From My Past

February 12th, 2008

i still can’t believe how much time has passed. am almost *toot* (see??? am beginning to hide my age! hehe)!!! so many things have changed. although i have no regrets in life and am happy where i am, i sometimes miss the good old’s a rundown of some of the things i miss from way back:

*going home at 12nn from school (of course this was still when i was in grade 2, about 2 decades back)

*watching betamax with my sisters. this was of course mostly composed of horror movies and cartoons (except of course for that one time when my dad accidentally borrowed cinderella x for us, which he thought was cartoons).

*playing house with my cousins using my lolo’s foldable bed as our ‘house’

*having a gang of friends in our old village. we used to meet at 6am in the morning and spend the whole day together either hanging out in the park or biking around the village.

*being able to save 5 pesos off my 20 peso baon.

*saturday fun machine! even if they did have those crappy kid reporters (who remembers the arlo gomez???) and that crap version of ghostbusters.

*of course those classic cartoons (ghostbusters, gummi bears, smurfs, rainbow bright, thundercats, spiral zone, macross, thundersub, transformers, superfriends, that cartoon about the black husband and wife team which only i seem to remember and so much more to mention).

*highschool days (my most favorite time of my whole educational life)

*training for tennis (i used to hate it then but in hindsight, i remember enjoying myself a lot then).

*i miss having time to read books.

*i miss being able to write stories.

*i miss not having responsibilities and not having to worry about your future.

*i miss our family outings =(

*i miss having all my friends together.

sooo many things that i miss. i can’t even write it all down. but then i guess the important thing is knowing that although many things come and go, what matters is enjoying them, learning from them, and not regretting anything! am a firm believer that everything has its purpose. good day =)

…I wrote this a few years back and I felt I just needed to update it and add in a couple more…

I miss my mom….

I miss just missing those things…

Comments (2)

  1. I know tha black superhero team. the balck guy can shrink and the woman can turn to animals i think

  2. i can’t remember exactly what their powers were. i know one of them could shrink and i remember the episode where the one who could shrink was stuck in a coffee cup and someone almost drank him. haha.


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